Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Rory Paints a Cat


“Not again the dog’s muddy paws are making me dirty”,I whispered to myself.When I going to be vacuumed l though to myself. 

Creck! I could hear the floor crack underneath me.”I hear voices of children getting louder every minute”, uttered the door.

Ouch! Get of my face please why do you need to stand on my face?There are such thing as mats you can just stand on mats.

Whoops the juice is is all over me .Who tipped the juice on me.This is the second time today.I can finally hear vacuumed long time since I been vacuumed.

Advika i like how you have used speech marks but to improve your writing you should use more interesting vocab by Sauviri.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Why Animals should not live in zoos ?

Why Animals should not live in zoos ?
I believe that animals should not live in zoos. Here are some reason why animals should not live in zoos.
Animals should not live in zoos because they do not get the food that they get in the wild. For example kiwi birds in wildlife sanctuaries the kiwi birds eat beef.But in the zoo they eat seeds,worms,and grubs.
Secondly animals don’t have that much space in their cage.Then what they have in the wild.They only have a limited space .But in the wild animals have place to to run ,jump and play.
Also animals have fixed time to eat.But in the wild animals get to eat when ever they want.
By now you must conived that animals should not live in zoos.I hope enjoyed my wirting.

I Angelina had read your writing and liked how you used sanctuaries but you should improve on re-reading your writing.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Jump Jam

Jump Jam
I was exicited.Today I go to see Brett (the master of jump jam).He travels to different schools around New zealand. Last year he visited five hundred schools. The year before that he visited four hundred schools. 
 All children danced with Brett. The teachers came up on stage and danced to the one and only… Coconut song.The last song was from Despicable me.My favorite part of the song was when it goes YMCA. 
When the moring tea bell rang kids pervaded around Berrt. It was so congested.Lots fo kids wanted his autograhps. 

Advika I like how you have used the word congested in order to improve your writing you should use speech marks by .Sauviri

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Scooters Writing

Why Scooters should be Banned from school ?
I think socooting should not be allowed at school here are some reasons why.
Scooting is dangers because it can  hurt little kids. By bumping into them . Also you hurt yourself  by falling your scooter.
Scooting can make pathways dirty by  leaving tire marks on ground.
Scooters can’t be parked inside the class.So they need to parked outside.  Children lose their scooter because some kids might have the same one.
By now you must be convinced that you should ban scooters from school.
I really liked how you used paragraphs.

Improve your vocab
