Thursday, May 2, 2019

Scooters Writing

Why Scooters should be Banned from school ?
I think socooting should not be allowed at school here are some reasons why.
Scooting is dangers because it can  hurt little kids. By bumping into them . Also you hurt yourself  by falling your scooter.
Scooting can make pathways dirty by  leaving tire marks on ground.
Scooters can’t be parked inside the class.So they need to parked outside.  Children lose their scooter because some kids might have the same one.
By now you must be convinced that you should ban scooters from school.
I really liked how you used paragraphs.

Improve your vocab


1 comment:

  1. “Scooting needs helmets and pads” - Which takes lots of storage space in school. May be it's idea to add up my suggestions too:-)
