Music Description
The heavy sound of the instrument made me feel warm inside.
The music sounds like late 1800 symphony. The music feels like you’re in an action movie and the hero is fighting the villain. However, something goes wrong and the hero starts running away. Then somehow the hero fights the villain. The music starts low with a little bit of suspense and slowly starts building up like a rocket increasing its speed.
The music starts off low like the hero is on track. When the music starts building up the speed starts increasing and gets louder like the villain starts chasing the hero. Yet when you hear the soft noise it feels like the hero is shooting. In the end, the hero wins. It felt like I was in a Charlie Chaplin movie come to life. So can you guess what music I’m talking about?
Advika, I like the different images you used to describe what the music feels like. I also like how you used different sentence starters to add detail to parts of your writing. Next time, try to include more examples of powerful adjectives, adverbs and verbs so your writing sounds exciting.