Thursday, May 28, 2020

When my cousin got a scar

Yellow - Good Vocab  Orange- Good sentence starters  Blue- goal

When my cousin got a scar

It was a summery day in early March, the sky was a deep blue, the city of Chennai was still bustling as usual. It was a perfect day to go to an Ice themed park. My family just came out of the chilling snow room. My fingers were numb like I had frostbite but I didn’t. 

Even though my fingers were still numb, I climbed up the stairs to find myself in a vibrant coloured room filled with 3D pictures. The room was filled with all sorts of pictures from mythical creatures to fruits and vegetables. While I stood staring at the pictures, my cousins rushed across the room taking photos.

I could hear footsteps rapidly coming up the stairs. A family of three had just entered the room, a chubby 5-year-old boy with his parents. Me, my brother and my cousin scurried to the next room. Usually, an energetic girl, my cousin slowly walked to the next room and stood next to the door looking dull

Just in the blink of a second, the chubby boy came running to the room tumbling over my skinny cousin. Making her eyebrow hit a sharp edge of the wall. Blood came pouring out of her skin like it was a river rushing down a slope. Silence filled the room. The only person I could hear was my cousin shedding tears of pain.

My aunty bolted to her aid. “Move away!”, shouted the security guard. My heart sank, was this day going to get any worse, I thought. I galloped to the second car where my cousin was lying. The bleeding had slowed down because of Dettol.
My uncle drove the car as fast as he was allowed. When we reached the first hospital the doctor checked her and said with her shrill voice “She needs stitches but have we don’t have room”. So we all rushed back into the car to go to the children’s hospital.

When we entered the hospital I could smell a strong aroma of medicine covering the rooms. My Aunty and Uncle dashed to the emergency exit. While I sat on cold leather chairs with my grandpa. After some time my cousin came out the happy as ever!

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